K-Foam Marine - IMO MSC.1 Circular 1312 Certified
K-Foam Marine
Marine applications of fire foams require very robust storage stability, and are required to perform with saltwater conditions.
Marine environmental risks of AFFF foam concentrates are well documented. It is in these circumstances where K-Foam performs as a class leading product used with ocean and brackish water.
The K-Foam Marine meets the testing conditions of:
- IMO MSC.1/Circ.1312 and
- MSC Circ.670 by the International Maritime Organization (IMO)
It is applicable on open space areas, such as deck area or on enclosed spaces such as engine and pump room by means of portable jets, deck foam monitor, nozzles.
Its fluorine free properties make it an ideal solution for obtaining non-toxic and effective results where water contamination is a challenge.
It is particularly effective in terms of fire extinguishment and burnback resistance of onboard ships.
The K-Foam Marine adheres to vertical surfaces and designed to perform with indirect firefighting methods.
Its concentration is free of PFAS or other elemental fluorine surfactant or polymers, a readily biodegradable solution for the environment.
K-Foam Marine provides superior safety to fire fighters and the environment in marine applications.